Wednesday 10 October 2018

METAMORPHOSIS of Emotions | Channelize Your Emotions

Writer: Yousaf Ishtiaq Chughtai

“I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself.” Franz kafka

Our emotions are such strong conscious experience characterized by intense mental activity or a certain degree of pleasure or displeasure. In our lifes emotional management is important for achieving goals and arranging factors of productivity in an effective manner. In this domain Qasim Ali Shah simplifies the theory of emotional intelligence and management given by Danial Goldman. If you have average intelligence but the strong positive approach and emotional intelligence you will be a tycoon of future. If you have no EQ, your team will never perform in an effective way so it is important to flourish your emotional intelligence, appreciate your team, be a self-loving and give positive feedbacks.

“Skills of skilled man are all in vain unless he is not emotionally strong” Qasim Ali Shah

Our educational systems are just based on the strategy of passing students through a process of memorization which is just 1 intelligence out of 9 proposed by Haward gardener. Books are just essential for knowledge of a specific course like bachelors and masters level education. For life, there is one thing more than the books, it is emotional intelligence. Our educational system just focuses on one type of 9 intelligence which is memorization.
Haward Gardner made a research on retarded children and found that there are 9 bits of intelligence like musical, logical and interpersonal etc. Then in 90’s Denial Goldman proposed a new intelligence he named it as “emotional intelligence”-father of all bits of intelligence.
According to researchers, IQ only plays 15% role in life and EQ plays the 85%. As 85% is a big number but still in our system no one speaks and teaches us about EQ.

 “It is the peak of ferocity to control emotions, will make you ashamed by emerging out on a wrong time” Qasim Ali Shah

We are always taught to control our emotions like to control aggressiveness with a reference of holy verse of Qur'an which have a meaning in Urdu “to control your aggression” But is this true that our Holy book Quran is teaching us to control our emotion of aggression” Whereas controlling emotion cans can play a destructive role in personality development. Answer is NO
When we go back to original Arabic words of the verse we found that the Arabic word “iqamat” meaning “to link a filled well with the empty one”, in Urdu, we have no suitable single word for this word but in English, we have a word “channelize”. It was a just misinterpretation of the holy verse in Urdu

 “Hold aggression as a constructive part of your life” Qasim Ali Shah

We must learn the ways to hold our emotions and channelize them in an effective, positive and beneficial ways, our systems are unable to teach us in this aspect. Find aims and goals and setting your life targets are the best ways to channelize emotions. Your aggression is like a fuel, burn it to accelerate your life toward your goals and channelize it to achieve your goals. We are just using our emotions in a destructive way by bashing and spoiling our own personality.

“Controlling aggression will ultimately de-shape the personality” Qasim Ali Shah

If you ever visit a jail you will find highly educated people in jail due to crimes like murders, and the reason behind this is lack of emotional management. Even battles came to blow and thousands of civilians died just because of one leader’s aggression (see Napoleon’s history)
Similarly, like aggression the other biggest emotion is love. Qasim Ali Shah mentions it as “king emotion”. He refers a book “think and grow rich” by Napoleon Hills telling about the reasons behind success, the writer tells he studied 2000 biographies of successful people concluding that behind all these love emotion was a robust cause. Qasim Ali Shah mentions love emotion as a strong emotion, it is the single emotion that tends a person to focus and takes to the highest level of humanity. This emotion creates such a gap that even with every comfort in life, one feels uncomfortable. Kings become beggar just for love so is love emotion controllable? No, but one can channelize it.

“The worst part is to control emotions, emotional management is to channelize it” Qasim Ali Shah

Unfortunately, in our system of education, we find fewer movies and stories about our leaders, singers and actors who got success just because they were unable to get their love. No one ever told us that our great leader the founder of Pakistan “Jinnah “ was deeply in love with her wife “Rattee” and her death channelized him to be a great leader. We studied how Pakistan was carved on the world’s map but never studied the life of great leaders, which made him a leader. Love emotion never dies but sleeps after 38 days if you don't give time, attention and sacrifice, love emotion has a life, charms of this emotion become lesser to a little after 18 months of love marriages. You can't hold the love emotion, the only way to hold it to find a target and focus what you learned from love on your goals.

“Learning to manage your emotions built self-confidence” Qasim Ali Shah

In short, emotions are strongly linked to memory and experience. If something worst has previously happened in your life, your emotional response to the same stimulus is likely to be strong. It is vital to be aware of our own and other’s feelings. Highly emotionally intelligent people always do it. Like other skills, it is a skill that can be developed and is well worth acquiring.

1 comment:

Qasim Ali Shah - A reformer

A reformer is someone who tries to change and improve something such as a law or a social system. “Dark intramural represents a dark ex...