Tuesday 4 December 2018

Qasim Ali Shah - A reformer

A reformer is someone who tries to change and improve something such as a law or a social system.

“Dark intramural represents a dark exterior” Qasim Ali Shah

If you are filled with true knowledge and wisdom, you will proliferate it to other like a glowing lamp so it is essential to have a firm grip of knowledge, wisdom, and wit if you have self-confidence and wisdom you can change people’s mind, and a trainer is himself a reformer and he touches the emotion part of an individual. A trainer speaks on basis of his experience, knowledge, wisdom, and results

“A reformer gives food of thought to an audience” Qasim Ali Shah

In this era, we look upon a term trainer and mentor. A trainer is a transformer he triggers a change in society, he plays a role like a catalyst hoping for a dramatic change. But for this, it is essential that he has a firm belief of change. If he does not believes that he can positively change people mind and he himself lacks in gaining knowledge he cannot be a reformer.

“The data you absorbs after sometime built in a way like a river and you start producing data” Qasim Ali Shah

A reformer is a person who produces knowledge. He will be not in a condition of producing his knowledge until he absorbs knowledge from people, books and incidents through which he passed throughout his life, once he starts picking up data, with time it finds a way and comes out in a productive way.

“You knowledge defines your age after death” Qasim Ali Shah

Qasim Ali Sah is a reformer as he serves mankind and delivers a knowledge which changes their life and thinking perspective. The knowledge and services he delivered to mankind will be remembered up to a mark even after his death. Qasim Ali Shah uses to say, “If your produced knowledge is of no worth for mankind, it’s useless”. The knowledge must be capable to bring change and modification in others life. The biggest knowledge is of civilization. Qasim Ali Shah worked upon and produced a true knowledge of welfare of mankind and serves to flourish them. Hazard Ali (R.A) says “if there was no prophet (PBUH), we were not even capable to tend and rear sheep”. So it’s obvious there was a constructive aspect in prophet (PBUH) personality. He (PBUH) guided every aspect of living a successful and happy life.

“A good mentor is one who tells his own mistakes to their students to save their time” Hazrat Ali (R.A)

In other words, one who makes his work a brand is a reformer like in Qawali-Nusrat faith Ali Khan, in painting -Leo nard da Vinci, in physics-Einstein and Newton. All of them turned the tables in their era by propping new innovative ideas and ways of performance in their respective fields.

“But all this never happens without the blessings of GOD” Qasim Ali Shah

Now, what are the basic characteristics which must be a part of life to be a reformer? These characteristics play a crucial role in carving a person into a reformer. The first characteristic adapted to be a reformer is an attachment. One must be attached to his audience make them their own and teach them the right path. One who understands the fact that life is finite, he gives himself to others and lives forever in their hearts.

“You cannot teach goats in the tone of the lion” Qasim Ali Shah

Qasim Ali Shah in his own life kept people attached to him, it was deep in his character to keep his students attached with him, this was the reason that when he started his academy students kept attached with him and with the time his past students became a part of his team of the academy. Further on throughout his life, it was the attachment which kept on helping him in making public relation and team building
A reformer gives unconditional and unlimited love, he loves infinitely even to those who are your enemies or back bitters. Don’t be a conditional lover. Being unconditional Lover you will be a magnet for others, people will automatically get attracted towards you. Qasim Ali Shah delivered unconditional love. He delivered his services to everyone with the same standards. He was never conditional in delivering his services. From the start of his academy, he taught a large number of students without any payback with the same love as other and still now he delivers free sessions on different topics in co-operating and educational sectors and counseling to business, career and personal development

“Discover a goal in your life for which you can pay your life” Qasim Ali Shah

The reformer must be one who can sacrifice. If you do more than what you say others to sacrifice you are on the way to be a reformer. As much as a man is great, his sacrifice is great. Qasim Ali Shah gave many sacrifices throughout his life. In his student life he started his own academy and was interested to continue with Central superior services (CSS) but left it as he and his family was not financially stable and his further education was somehow direct or indirect financial disturbance for his family, so he sacrificed his interest, similarly throughout his life he kept on giving sacrifice.

“Challenge gives you the glory” Qasim Ali Shah

A reformer knows how to face challenges and how to use them in a constructive way to build himself strong. Life brings challenges to groom you.it is a fact that one only learns from failures and challenges, we can get this from an example that a zoo lion is a prey of hounds due to the fact that he had never faced challenges like a jungle lion. Today Qasim Ali Shah a fabulous personality is just because of the challenges he faced in his life, he took every downfall in his life as an opportunity to for personal development and improved himself step by step and kept on learning from every challenge. It is obvious that a stage comes in life when you are thankful for that challenge you faced in your past and you will realize that you were not capable of this glory without that challenge.

“Dreams launch revolutions in your life” Qasim Ali Shah

A reformer slogs within the cloud of his vision. One day you have to die so live an honorable life with a vision to do something more. With a vision and marked goals, one is motivated to achieve and fulfill them. Even if one fails to achieve his goal but if the path on which he is working is right he is a conqueror. As I learned about people, I got more knowledge about their perceptions and the challenges that are in front of them. Everyone is willing to bring about change in society but somehow lacks in the way. You can be a changer, a reformer by just appreciating, scarifying, contributing with a vision and on heavier end by understanding the mind of your audience, you have to get down to their level of minds and understand the way they pick up things then you can breach in to positively change them, else your efforts are all in vain.


  1. Well done Yousaf! Good sequence of thought. Very nice written expression about Qasim Ali shah.


Qasim Ali Shah - A reformer

A reformer is someone who tries to change and improve something such as a law or a social system. “Dark intramural represents a dark ex...